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Case Study: Surplus Food Recovery and Redistribution

6 April 2021

Case Study: Surplus Food Recovery and Redistribution

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GreenCape, in partnership with the City of Cape Town’s Department of Enterprise and Investment, has published a new case study!

A circular economy keeps products, components, and materials at their highest use / value at all times. This case study is written to demonstrate how circularity is a useful lens to incorporate when strenghtening resilience in the food supply chain; a sector synonymous with loss and wastage.

Food rescue is one of many circularity tools that the food and beverage sector can use to alleviate pressures on the overall system. Not only is food rescue a societal obligation and an environmental imperative, it also makes business sense. Food rescue can reduce liabilities and strengthen competitiveness, which in turn contributes to building corporate and city resilience.

However, a trusted intermediary is needed to coordinate food rescue, safely, reliably and at scale. Food Forward SA has fulfilled this role with proven impact in South Africa’s food supply chain.

FoodForward SA connects a world of surplus to a world of need in a safe and costeffective manner. The Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) has leveraged its Section 18A status to provide food producers, brand owners and retailers an avenue to strengthen corporate social responsibility (CSR), reduce financial liability, reduce disposal overheads, and avoiding future disposal liabilities,

To access the full case study, click here.